Stories on LetMeBreathe S3 EP19

Nigeria: Lagos's Battle with the Waves

Published on Nov 09, 2022


Show Creator

Simon Mundy

From Lagos, one of the global megacities most vulnerable to sea level rise, three very different perspectives on the problem. The Chagoury family, one of Nigeria’s wealthiest business clans, is building Eko Atlantic, a vast new development on artificial land that could offer a climate-resilient enclave for prosperous Lagosians. A few miles down the coast, Lukman Oladele is one of many in the beach resort of Alpha Beach who have lost property to extreme sea erosion – which they blame both on climate change and on unwelcome side-effects from Eko Atlantic. Meanwhile in Makoko, an ancient water community built on stilts in the Lagos Lagoon, senior chief Francis Agoyon says his community is better placed to deal with rising waters than Lagos’s wealthier land-based areas. This is the fifth short film from my 15-month journey exploring the global race to respond to climate change.

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