Reimagining India S1 EP23

#ShePower: India's girl footballers in the making

Published on Dec 12, 2020


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Jammu & Kashmir, India's newest union territory is renowned for its spectacular scenic beauty. But, sadly, often makes international headlines as a conflict zone because of decades of insurgent violence. Its common people are victims of anxiety and depression. Worst affected are women, particularly young girls, coming from conservative Muslim families. But local football heroes- Real Kashmir Football Club (RKFC) has infused happiness and hope in a bunch of young girls. The club first rose to fame in 2018 when they made waves in the Hero I-League, a national football league, by figuring in the top four. The enormous fanbase they built helped Real Kashmir to continue to work in spotting grassroots talent in a football-crazy population. This included working on a woman-exclusive programme called #ShePower which invests in young girls.

#ShePower #Kashmir #RealKashmir

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