Winning Covid-19 S1 EP11

5 ways to take care of your mental health in COVID second wave

Published on May 04, 2021


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As the coronavirus pandemic rapidly spreads in India’s second wave. it is inducing a considerable degree of fear and worry in the population at large. So it is normal and understandable that people are experiencing mental health concerns on a day-to-day basis. How do you fight the information overload? How do you break away from the added fears of contracting the virus? How do you cope with the significant changes to our daily lives as movement remains restricted confining us to our houses? Here is your guide to coping with the new lockdown and the second wave of COVID in India. One bonus tip - prioritise your physical and mental health. Worried how you can do that? This mental health professional will guide you through a simple routine formula to tackle the pandemic.

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Pluc Health
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