Stories on LetMeBreathe S3 EP27

Brazil: Inside the fight for the Amazon

Published on Nov 17, 2022


Show Creator

Simon Mundy

Global concern is mounting at the accelerating destruction of the Amazon rainforest, one of the world's most vital carbon sinks. The biggest driver of deforestation has been cattle farming, with beef from the Amazon region playing a vital role in making Brazil the world's biggest beef exporter. This video features some of the stories I uncovered during my recent travels through the region. Leading members of the Uru-Eu-Wau-Wau and Paiter-Suruí indigenous groups explain their fight to defend their territory against invasion. JBS, the world's biggest meat company, responds to allegations that it has been processing animals from illegally cleared land. And two of the cattle farmers responsible for the deforestation give their side of the story. This is the eighth in a series of short films from my global journey exploring the race to respond to climate change.

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