Stories on LetMeBreathe S4 EP6

Scaling up innovation and investment in sustainable fashion

Published on Apr 22, 2023


Show Creator


The fashion industry is responsible for over 8% to 10% of total greenhouse gas emissions. It produces 150 billion garments a year and 87% end up in a landfill where they smoulder and pollute the air or in an incinerator. Only 1% of all discarded clothing is actually recycled. The way for a greener planet is through sustainable fashion which refers to a clothing supply chain that is ecologically and socially responsible.

Now is the opportunity to shift the industry and consumers away from the fast fashion model and toward sustainable practices in sourcing, production, distribution, marketing, and consumption. So we bring together a panel around Earth Day 2023 highlighting the theme for this year ‘Invest in our planet’.

Panel Theme: The roadmap to scaling up innovation and investment in sustainable fashion

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