I am the only activist from Tuvalu who could make it to COP26

Published on Nov 18, 2021


Show Creator


If Tuvalu sinks, the world sinks with it. Tuvalu is one of the many low-lying islands are at the mercy of the climate crisis. The island's vulnerable communities face a threat of losing their homes, local habitats and more. @KatoEwekia, the only Tuvaluan youth delegate at this year’s COP26, voices out the devastating, unequal and unheard climate injustices facing his nation. “We want Tuvalu to be able to stand with every other young people whose country has been affected by the climate crisis," says Kato. Rising sea levels also have legal implications for some of these island nations, including Tuvalu, as they could potentially lose their statehood if they sink. This is what documenting climate action looks like. Are you a creator documenting stories of climate change? share your story with us on LetMeBreathe.in

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