Reimagining India S1 EP22

Radio Mewat: Community radio that gives voice to the voiceless

Published on Nov 28, 2020


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Situated in the state of Haryana, Mewat is a Muslim majority district whose historical importance lay in the fact that Mahatma Gandhi had visited Mewat in December 1947 to convince the local Muslim community to stay on in India and not to move to Pakistan. Despite being less than 100 km from the national capital, New Delhi, Mewat seems to have been untouched by modernisation or economic advancement and the conservatism of local society is manifest with girls being married off at a young age and barely getting a chance to complete their education. However, this has changed in the past couple of years with the help of Radio Mewat, which has raised awareness, created opportunities, and given a chance to the women of the villages to voice their grievances and aspirations. This is a story of how the communication medium can become an important tool to empower the marginalised in society.

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