Social Saheli S1 EP22

How I became an independent businesswoman

Published on Mar 23, 2021


Show Creator

Gayatri Chandrawar

The journey of Gayatri Chandrawar from Gorakhpur wasn't an easy one. Hailing from a semi-urban locality in the city, Gayatri found herself struggling with the patriarchal boundaries of her household. But a business idea kept brewing in the back of her mind, one that would involve empowering several other women like her. Many people warned her against starting the Geeta self-help group amidst the pandemic but she was on way for her to become an entrepreneur. Powered by her own sewing centre where she taught sewing and stitching to women and young girls, Gayatri began investing in training and upskilling her tribe. Her group makes several items ranging from cushion covers, macrame decorative items, dresses, bedsheets and more. Today, her self-help group has undergone storytelling trainings and is keen on using social media to spread the word about their products. Gayatri wishes to empower many other women to become financially stable and sustain their families and themselves.

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