Behind the Art S1 EP14

Inside out: How Pluc.TV created the show Behind the Art

Published on Aug 21, 2021


Show Creator


Creating the story of an artist has become a staple at Pluc.TV. But do you want to know how we started? The creative team of Behind the Art walks you through the journey of painters, photographers, sculptors, folk-artists, illustrators, animators, navigating the popular representation of a creator, they discuss the ideas of a ‘tortured artist’, the romanticised artist and break down the process of creating new art forms too. From self-portraits to gender politics, finding new ways of making contemporary art inclusive, this show features unconventional creators who dig deeper than the surface. The first season was full of street artists, ceramic artists, illustrators and sculptors.

Launched in March 2021, the show captured candid conversations with artists, designers and other creative folks to discover the realities of living a creative life. There was a lack of stories of why artists create, especially mid-level and nano creators. Behind the art was aired on a global snapchat show with a single goal - to start a conversation with artists. Each episode was an attempt to understand the impact of the dynamic content boom on artists, the disruption of the creator economy and the digital interventions that expand the resources we have at hand.

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