Queerly Yours S2 EP6

Gay dads redefining the family bond

Published on Jun 14, 2023


Show Creator

Ritu Madan

Meet Mayank and Sougata, gay dads who embrace their journey into parenthood. Their desire to build a loving family led them on a remarkable path. During COVID-19 they decided to pursue their dream of parenthood. They went through the process of surrogacy and were blessed with a son and a daughter.

As gay fathers, Mayank and Sougata understand the need of teaching their children about gender identity, inclusivity, acceptance and sexual orientation. They believe in teaching these values from a very young age and ensuring their children grow up in an environment of understanding and respect.

Beyond their role as parents, Mayank and Sougata share their secrets to maintaining a strong bond from resolving conflicts to enjoying cherished moments over a cup of tea every night. Through their story, they strive to break stereotypes surrounding queer parenthood, celebrate diversity, and encourage a more inclusive society.

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