Ankahee Baatein S1 EP3

We want to put an end to early marriage in our village

Published on Feb 07, 2022


Show Creator

Pinki Kumari

India is home to 224 million child brides, and counting, but that number can be reduced by one-third, suggests a study. Girls from Gorakhpur, Uttar Pradesh, are rallying for change in their villages. Each campaign is accompanied with an awareness drive as they map the age of young brides and convince their guardians to rethink getting them married early. According to the 2019 report by United Nations Children’s Fund titled Ending Child Marriage: A profile of child marriage in India, India is home to over 223 million child brides. The government’s National Family Health Survey-4 (2015-16), estimated that about one in four young women in the country have been married before 18 years of age. The study pointed out that the girls who are married before 18 years of age are more likely to be those who are less educated, reside in rural areas, and live in poorer households. As per the NFHS, more child marriage cases were recorded in rural areas than in urban — 31.5 per cent compared to 17.5 per cent. Less educated girls were more likely to be married early. Girls from Gorakhpur are working to ensure girls in their village don’t face the same fate and get the opportunity to complete their education.

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